Angol nyelv

    7. évfolyam



                Jane Austen: Emma című műve

        A szöveg Domoszlai Hédi tanárnőtől vehető át.

A műfordítás beadásának határideje:
2013. december 20.

A fordítás formai követelményei:

            • Lap: A/4-es
            • Betűtípus: Times New Roman
            • Betűméret: 12-es
            • Sorköz: 1,5-es

    A pályamunkákat kinyomtatott formában és elektronikusan is kérjük beadni
    a pályázatot hirdető és javító tanárnőhöz!

    7. évfolyam: Domoszlai Hédi tanárnő
    e-mail címe:

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            • A műfordítás
            • Szójegyzék, amely tartalmazza, hogy a pályázó mely szavak
                    fordításához használt szótárt: (angol szó/ kifejezés/ idióma - magyar jelentés)

    8. évfolyam



                O. Henry: Eight Great American Tales
                című novellagyűjteményből
                Ikey Schoenstein’s love-potion

            Című, Bill Bowler által átdolgozott novella műfordítása

        A szöveg Boér Boglárka tanárnőtől vehető át.

A műfordítás beadásának határideje:2013. december 20.

A fordítás formai követelményei:

            • Lap: A/4-es
            • Betűtípus: Times New Roman
            • Betűméret: 12-es
            • Sorköz: 1,5-es

    A pályamunkákat kinyomtatott formában és elektronikusan is kérjük beadni
    a pályázatot hirdető és javító tanárnőhöz!

    8. évfolyam: Boér Boglárka tanárnő
    e-mail címe:

            • Címlap
            • A műfordítás
            • Szójegyzék, amely tartalmazza, hogy a pályázó mely szavak
            fordításához használt szótárt: (angol szó/ kifejezés/ idióma - magyar jelentés)

Ikey Schoensteins love-potion

The Blue Light drugstore was on the East Side of New York, near First Avenue. All the medicines there were made by hand. Ikey Schoenstein worked there at night. A thin, clever man, with a long nose and glasses, he was friendly to all who came for help when they were ill.
Ikey lived in a room in a house not far from the drugstore. His landlady was Mrs Riddle, and she had a daughter, Rosie. Ikey was deeply in love with Rosie, but he never told her about it. That was strange, because he was very good at talking to people in the drugstore.
There was another man living at Mrs Riddles house who was in love with Rosie, too. His name was Chunk McGowan. Ikey had no hope of winning Rosies love, but McGowan was very hopeful. He was also Ikeys friend. He often came to the drugstore, after a night fighting in the street, for something to put on a black eye or a cut.
One afternoon, he came hurriedly into the drugstore, and went straight to speak to his friend Ikey.
I need some special medicine, he said,
Take off your coat, said Ikey, And tell me where it hurts. Were you in a fight again? One of these days youll get a knife in your back.
It wasnt a fight, said McGowan, laughing. But youre right. Its under my coat that it hurts - in my heart. Ikey, Rosie and me are going to run away tonight to Harlem to get married.
Ikey was mixing some medicine while he listened, and he tried not to drop it all on the floor.
McGowans smiling face now looked worried.
The thing is, we first thought of the plan two weeks ago.
Sometimes Rosie says "yes" to it and sometimes "no". For the past two days shes said "yes", and were hoping to leave in five hours time. I dont want her to change her plans at the last minute.
‘And where does medicine come into it? asked Ikey.
Well, you see, old Mr Riddle doesnt like me. For a week now hes stopped Rosie coming out with me. Im worried that she wont want to leave tonight because of him.
Isnt there a medicine that you can give to a woman to make her like you better? I had a friend, Tim Lacy, who gave a potion like that to his girlfriend and they got married two weeks later.
McGowan didnt notice Ikeys knowing smile at these words of his, and he went on.
If I can just give a love-potion to Rosie at dinner tonight, Im sure that shell come with me.
And when are you running away?
Nine oclock. Dinners at seven. At eight, Rosie goes to bed with a bad head. At nine, I come round the back of the house and help her down the fire escape from her window. Then were going straight to church, to get married.
We have to be careful about selling love-potions, said Ikey. But because youre my friend, Ill make it for you, and youll see how it changes the way Rosie thinks of you.
Then he carefully made a sleeping-potion. It was sure to make anyone who took it sleep for a number of hours without waking up.
He gave the potion to his friend, telling him to put it into a drink if possible. McGowan thanked him, and left.
After that, Ikey sent a note to Mr Riddle, telling him about McGowans plans.
Riddle came to the drugstore that afternoon. He was a strong, red-faced, angry man.
Thanks for telling me, Ikey, he said. That lazy, good-for- nothing Irishman. My room is just over Rosies room. After dinner, Ill wait up there with my gun. If McGowan comes this evening, hell go straight to the hospital - and not to church - tonight.

With Rosie asleep in her room, and old Riddle upstairs with his gun. McGowans chances arent looking good, thought Ikey happily after Riddle left.
Next morning, at 8 oclock, Ikey finished work and started walking to Mrs Riddles house to learn the latest news. There in the street he met Chunk McGowan. McGowan shook Ikeys hand, and thanked him warmly.
It worked, he said, smiling. Rosie and me are now man and wife. You must come for dinner over at our place in Harlem some time soon.
But the potion?! asked Ikey.
Oh, that! laughed McGowan. In the end I felt bad about questioning Rosies love, but old Riddle was very unfriendly to me at dinner. It wasnt right for him to be so hard on the man who wanted to marry his daughter, I felt. So I put the potion in his coffee!

Német nyelv

    7-8. évfolyam


        Manfred Kyber: Tiergeschichten
        című kötetéből a

        Die getupften Teufelchen
        c. novella lefordítása

    A szöveg Gut Eszter tanárnőnél vehető át.

A műfordítás beadásának határideje: 2013. december 20.

A fordítás formai követelményei:
                • Lap: A/4-es
                • Betűtípus: Times New Roman
                • Betűméret: 12-es
                • Sorköz: 1,5-es

                • Címlap
                • A műfordítás (rajz)
                • A szöveg végén található 3 feladat megoldása.